Wildlife-Friendly Gardening

While one of the main goals in our garden is to grow lots of plants including fruits and vegetables that we can harvest (and eat), we also want to ensure that our gardens promote wildlife and help boost biodiversity in our area. A garden with wildlife in is a more productive, vibrant, and exciting space.

Creating the right habitat for species to find shelter and food is key. If we have lawns, compost heaps, trees, woodpiles, and more, we can provide great places for wildlife to live.

In particular, the UK has seen a decline in its pollinator numbers, which are essential creatures for our plants to be able to grow. By planting a range of nectar and pollen-rich plants we can support our pollinator species, as well as bird and bat species too! Additionally, we can add features, such as bug hotels to welcome wildlife to our garden, and many of these bugs can help provide mutual benefits to our garden too.

We should also think about the bigger picture when gardening. We can also take action in different ways which promotes wildlife and improves the environment on a larger scale, such as through using peat-free compost only, and being conscious about our water usage.

Some ideas on how to make your garden more wildlife-friendly:

-Make a bug hotel

-Make wildflower seed bombs

-Create a small mammal home

-Make and put up bird feeders

-Provide bird boxes

-Incorporate plants for pollinators (https://www.rhs.org.uk/science/conservation-biodiversity/wildlife/plants-for-pollinators)

-And many more!

Useful video on gardening for wildlife: